Saturday, July 19, 2008

If people can change, then the world can change...

If you remember how the world was five years ago, ten years ago, you'll remember a world that was still on the fence about how much of a mess it was going to be in. It was a very tense time because everything was going so well but all it needed was a little push in either direction. Bill Clinton had the economy shining, we were in surplus, the middle east was still in shambles, but peace talks were happening. Alternative fuels and hybrid cars were becoming a reality. Now this isn't going to be a political post (even though the U.S. and the world started it's decent into hell once George Dubya took office), but rather what I have observed as a human being. The world now is on the home stretch. Countries both friend and foe are getting restless. Failing economies, civilian uprisings, fucking gas prices, everything in this world has changed from new innovations and handshakes between nations, to the last few straws on the donkey's back. It makes me worry sometimes. But a funny thing happened this past week. Thursday night I went out to this restaurant with my girlfriend. It was just a small Italian restaurant, in a small town, in a relatively small state. We didn't need to be rich, we didn't need to own billion dollar companies, we didn't need to be anyone but ourselves. We had the world on our table and we just talked, laughed, looked at each other and kissed each other. It was just what we needed. Just what I needed. Because it showed me that even when the world may not be in the best shape, all we need is each other. Human beings just need each other. We just need to feel something real. Money is not real, power is not real, buildings and empires are not real. Love is real. Friendship is real. Family is real. These are the things that we need to focus on. Some of us have lost sight of what's important. What's really important. Every since that night outside of that restaurant sitting with that amazing girl, I've realized that we just need each other. The world needs to realize as human beings, we just need each other. Stop the greed. Stop the fucking hatred, racism, bigotry. Just love everyone you can and offer your hand to those in need. Bring back humanity. The world can be a better place, we just need to start with ourselves.

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