Monday, December 14, 2009

The warmth and the light and the cold and my life

I came out of a place of great warmth tonight. As I started to drive away I started to shiver almost uncontrollably because of the sudden shock of the cold. It passed though. Because when I got home, I stared into the night sky and thought about, well everything. I noticed I was no longer cold. I noticed that as my body adjusted, I welcomed the cold. I think that's a great metaphor for life.

We are constantly shifting from warm places to cold places. We get used to the life we're in. But suddenly we are thrust from places of great warmth to places of hopeless cold. But soon, the cold isn't so bad and then the warmth washes over us.

I'm so speechless around you. Anything I do or say never does justice to the sunshine I feel in my head for you. I've always used other artists and other poets to put into words what I could never hope to convey. Anything I've ever said or done has been out of frustration. Whether good or bad, anything I've ever done is because I can't find the words.

The warmth and the cold, always staying and always leaving.

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