Thursday, December 10, 2009

Disassembling my body

It's nights like tonight I wish I could take my eyes and put them under my bed. Take my arms and legs and put them under a couch. Take my head which hold my thoughts and place it behind a bookcase. I wish these things so I could rest easy, without my eyes wanting to see the things I cannot see, without my legs being tempted to walk certain places and my arms wanting to write the messages I cannot send, and my head and my mind from feeling the endless tug of "what could have been".

Sometimes I feel poetic. Sometimes too much. Sometimes sad songs make me feel happy, and happy songs break me down. Sometimes life makes sense, sometimes you curse the sky for making you feel like nothing fits together. But sometimes, it just clicks. We are all beautiful when we cry, we are all beautiful when we forgive, we are all beautiful when we wake up in the morning and when we go to bed at night.

Let's forget about everything except the world we create for ourselves.

"Everybody says that time heals everything
What of the wretched hollow, the endless in between?
Are we just going to wait it out?"

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