Friday, January 22, 2010

Moving through the motions...

I read an article today that really made me think. Usually when I read stories like this, I absorb what I can and move on. Well this one was a little different and I'm still trying to figure out why. Maybe it has to do with what has happened in the past couple weeks. Anyway. The story is about a musician Joshua Bell. He is the greatest violinist in the world right now. As part of a little social experiment, he dressed in ragged clothes and played in the subway in Washington D.C. with an incredibly expensive violin playing some of the most gorgeous music ever written. It was estimated that over 2,000 passed him in an hour. Out of those 2,000 people, only about nine actually stopped, including a small boy (who was hurried along by his mother) and only one person recognized him. When he stopped, there was no applause, people just walked, so obsessed with whatever they had to do.

It just hit me when I read that. So many people passed this man just because he was dressed like he was homeless. "Forget the beautiful music he's playing, he's just a derelict." I bet that was a common thought in those peoples' heads. We are so quick to judge. So quick to let the archetypes that we've drilled into our brains take over.

We move at a pace so fast these days. It's so fast we've forgotten what it means to really love the things that make life beautiful. We've stopped...stopping to enjoy everything this wonderful life we live has to offer. We get so comfortable we everything. We stop looking for new things, new ways to love, to learn, to grow. And I definitely have that issue.

I stopped showing her beautiful things. As much as I loved her, I got too comfortable. I know I've rambled about this before, so I wont do it again. I heard from her a week or so and it just brought back the flood. How amazing everything she did for me. How I wish I could run to her apartment and pour out all of the light she's given me, so she could see what I see when I looked at her, when I was with her. Bah. Here I go again.

The point of this post was, to just live life. Don't be so concerned with everything that you have to do. Don't be so obsessed with the future that it ruins the present. Live...and life will come to you. Don't just move through the motions, move with them, make the motions change the way you love your life.

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